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Your Birthday Spread

Birthday Spread

Birthday Spread

The Cartomancy Birthday Spread can provide guidance and insights into what the querent can expect during each month of the upcoming year. The cards can also offer advice on how to navigate challenges and obstacles, as well as highlight opportunities for growth and success.

As with any form of divination, it’s important to approach cartomancy readings with an open mind and use them as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth rather than as a definitive predictor of future events. The Cartomancy Birthday Spread can provide a fun and insightful way to celebrate a person’s birthday while gaining deeper insights into the year ahead.

3 spade spread
10 spade spread
8 spade spread
King diamonds spread
3 club spread
10 hearts spread
3 diamonds spread
9 hearts spread
5 hearts Spread

Card Reading

Your Present Position in the World
3 spade spread

Three of Spades:

Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a business partnership, or a friendship, endings can be difficult. On occasion, this card suggests that a third party is intruding into a relationship.

Your Goals for the Next Year
King diamonds spread

King of Diamonds:

This royal card represents either a father figure, a child, or a very close friend.

That Which Empowers You
3 diamonds spread

Three of Diamonds:

This card represents a wish granted or success. Change for the better is imminent.

Powers You Need to Develop
5 hearts Spread

Five of Hearts:

If you are jealous, you will suffer. If you let jealousy get the best of you, then ill feelings will result. On the other hand, if someone else feels jealous of you, then the same ill feelings will arise.

Your Present Material Self
10 spade spread

Ten of Spades:

The Ten of Spades indicates great sadness, which can be a difficult emotion to navigate. This could manifest as an accident, an adversary, or an unfulfilled desire.

Your Present Emotional State
3 club spread

Three of Clubs:

Love and happiness are the foundation of a successful marriage, which in turn is a favorable long-term proposition. Particularly in an economical sense, a second chance.

Your Present Spiritual Self
9 hearts spread

Nine of Hearts:

One interesting item is the card of wishes. Before proceeding, please refer to the previous card. If you choose either a heart or a diamond, your wish will be fulfilled. Although it is a club, your wish will only partially be fulfilled. If a spade preceded this card, then your wish will not be fulfilled.

That Which Opposes You
8 spade spread

Eight of Spades:

Although you may be tempted to take a different path. If you take this new path, be cautious because it could potentially lead to misfortune or danger.

What You Need to Do to Realize Your Goals
10 hearts spread

Ten of Hearts:

Moreover, this powerful card suggests great happiness and a state of well-being. Moreover, the 10 of Hearts has the ability to overpower any unlucky card next to it.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.

Tags :
Birthday Spread,Fortune Teller,Zodiac
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