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Your Celtic Spread

celtic spread

Celtic Spread

J hearts spread
King Clubs spread
4 diamonds spread
4 club spread
J diamonds spread
2 diamonds spread
4 hearts Spread
6 diamonds spread
2 hearts spread
J club spread

Card Reading

The Significator is a representation of yourself and your current state of being.
4 club spread

Four of Clubs:

Be cautious of others who may be dishonest or deceitful. To avoid blind acceptance of others, it’s important to be aware that their true motives may escape you.

The Crossing Card represents what opposes or influences you.
4 diamonds spread

Four of Diamonds:

This card represents a decision that must be made. Specifically, it concerns a situation that is pulling you in many different ways. Before making a decision, it is important to carefully consider all options. At this moment, it is crucial to avoid making a careless mistake.

The Foundation Card addresses the source of your query.
J diamonds spread

Jack of Diamonds:

The Knight (Jack) of Diamonds symbolizes hope or a sense of hopeful anticipation. Especially meaningful is the experience when one draws a card close to a royal card.

The Recent Past depicts events and issues from the past.
J hearts spread

Jack of Hearts:

Moreover, the Knight of Hearts, Jack, brings new hope. This represents those sentiments that you hold close to your heart, which evoke loving memories.

The Crown covers topics that are important now or may become so in the future. This card predicts future events that may or may not materialize, depending on how you react to the current circumstance.
King Clubs spread

King of Clubs:

Typically, this royal card signifies a male friend. Additionally, he might be an elderly family member or a superior at the workplace.

The Future portrays what is to come.
2 diamonds spread

Two of Diamonds:

This card represents a meeting, indicating that something is going to happen. The nature of the card could either be friendly or hostile, depending on the surrounding cards. If you happen to be seated next to the king, queen, or knight of spades, it is important to exercise caution.

Emotions card signifies the current state of your emotional self.
J club spread

Jack of Clubs:

The Knight (Jack) of Clubs represents a friend, specifically. Notably, this person is popular, in addition to being good-hearted and playful. Furthermore, it is possible that they admire you more than you know.

External Forces indicates the impact of people in your life, as well as trends in your interpersonal connections.
2 hearts spread

Two of Hearts:

This partnership is warm and strong. Moreover, this card is highly favorable as it suggests that you will receive strength and support from a partner in your professional or personal life.

Hopes and Aspirations represent your hopes and aspirations for the result of your query.
6 diamonds spread

Six of Diamonds:

To clarify, this card signifies the necessary actions that need to be taken in order to accomplish a desired objective. These steps could be either brief or highly intricate.

The Outcome is the final answer to your query. Remember that the future is not fixed. This card should be interpreted in the context of the full reading and as a sign of the path you are now on, although it is not required. reading.
4 hearts Spread

Four of Hearts:

Inevitably, travel is in your future. Although travel is often associated with moving from one physical location to another, it is important to note that not all travel fits this description. Indeed, it is the journey that makes the trip, rather than the destination.

Other Influences are things that may affect your spread or have consequences that extend beyond the scope of this reading.

Tags :
Celtic Spread,Fortune Teller,Tarot,Zodiac
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