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Your Celtic Spread

celtic spread

Celtic Spread

King Clubs spread
3 hearts spread
7 diamonds spread
queen club spread
9 diamonds spread
4 club spread
queen spade spread
queen hearts spread
2 spade spread
6 club spread

Card Reading

The Significator is a representation of yourself and your current state of being.
queen club spread

The Queen of Clubs:

This royal card is frequently associated with a very close female companion. She might also be an elder relative or a higher-ranking employee.

The Crossing Card represents what opposes or influences you.
7 diamonds spread

The Seven of Diamonds:
This card indicates that you are either obsessing on something or that you need to reconsider something you have overlooked.

The Foundation Card addresses the source of your query.
9 diamonds spread

The Nine of Diamonds:
The Nine of Diamonds signifies encouragement, friendship, or personal ambition. It also lessens the impact of any unfavorable cards in your reading.

The Recent Past depicts events and issues from the past.
King Clubs spread

The King of Clubs:
This royal card is frequently associated with a male companion. He might also be an elder relative or a higher-ranking employee.

The Crown covers topics that are important now or may become so in the future. This card predicts future events that may or may not materialize, depending on how you react to the current circumstance.
3 hearts spread

The Three of Hearts:
If you have more hearts or diamonds in your reading, this card represents love and happiness. If you have more clubs or spades in your reading, this implies a difficulty to select who to love.

The Future portrays what is to come.
4 club spread

The Four of Clubs:
Be wary of others’ dishonesty or deception. Avoid accepting others without questioning their motivations.

Emotions card signifies the current state of your emotional self.
6 club spread

The Six of Clubs:
You may be eligible for financial assistance in the near future. Accept it without being too pompous.

External Forces indicates the impact of people in your life, as well as trends in your interpersonal connections.
2 spade spread

The Two of Spades:
A painful quarrel or breakup in a relationship. This might be love, friendship, or a job.

Hopes and Aspirations represent your hopes and aspirations for the result of your query.
queen hearts spread

The Queen of Hearts:
If the person receiving this reading is female, the Queen of Hearts represents her. If the person receiving the reading is a man, this royal card denotes his love interest.

The Outcome is the final answer to your query. Remember that the future is not fixed. This card should be interpreted in the context of the full reading and as a sign of the path you are now on, although it is not required. reading.
queen spade spread

The Queen of Spades:
This royal card indicates a woman, who might be a love interest or a business opponent. She might be a widow if she is near to the ace, nine, or ten of spades.

Other Influences are things that may affect your spread or have consequences that extend beyond the scope of this reading.

Tags :
Celtic Spread,Fortune Teller,Tarot,Zodiac
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