Your Cross and Triangle Spread

Cross and Triangle Spread

Cross and Triangle Spread

The Cartomancy Cross and Triangle Spread is a type of tarot spread that is commonly used in cartomancy readings. This spread is particularly useful for gaining insights into an individual’s current situation and the various influences that may be affecting their life. The spread consists of ten cards arranged in the shape of a cross. Additionally, there is a triangle of three cards placed to the side. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that each position in the spread represents a different aspect of the querent’s life, including their past, present, future, hopes, fears, and potential outcomes. Furthermore, the cards are interpreted based on their position and the overall layout of the spread, which provides a detailed analysis of the querent’s situation and potential paths forward. Moreover, the Cartomancy Cross and Triangle Spread is a popular and versatile spread that many cartomancy readers use to gain deep insights and guidance for personal growth and self-reflection.

6 diamonds spread
4 diamonds spread
queen spade spread
7 hearts Spread
J spade Spread
4 club spread
2 hearts spread
9 club Spread
8 club Spread
6 diamonds spread
4 diamonds spread
queen spade spread
7 hearts Spread
J spade Spread
4 club spread
2 hearts spread
9 club Spread
8 club Spread

Card Reading

You the Significator and Your Life Force
4 club spread

Four of Clubs:

Be cautious of others who may be dishonest or deceitful. To avoid blind acceptance of others, it is important to be cautious as their true motives may escape you.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts
6 diamonds spread

Six of Diamonds:

To clarify, this card represents the necessary steps that must be taken in order to achieve a particular goal. These steps could be either short or very involved.

That Which Influences Your Emotions
9 club Spread

Nine of Clubs:

An achievement is typically linked to a goal that you have been working towards for a while. This could either suggest a prosperous marriage or an unexpected financial gain.

That Which Influences Your Spirit
queen spade spread

Jack of Spades:

The Knight (Jack) of Spades, however, indicates an unpleasant period of time or troubles.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self
4 diamonds spread

Four of Diamonds:

This card represents a decision that must be made. Specifically, it concerns a situation that is pulling you in many different ways. Firstly, consider all options carefully. At this moment, it is crucial to avoid making a careless mistake.

Forces that Oppose You
J spade Spread

Two of Clubs:

Although there are obstacles in the pathway of your success, you can still achieve your goals. One example of harmful behavior is malicious gossip.

Other Forces that Oppose You
8 club Spread

Eight of Clubs:

The Eight of Clubs represents employment or a task or duty that must be performed. In other words, it signifies a responsibility that needs to be fulfilled.

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront
2 hearts spread

Two of Hearts:

This partnership is warm and strong. Moreover, this card is highly favorable as it suggests that you will receive strength and support from a partner in both your professional and personal life.

The Outcome
7 hearts Spread

Seven of Hearts:

However, someone is stating an interest in you that is not true. If their intention is dishonorable, then their affections are falsely stated. This card can indicate lovesickness.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.

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Cross and Triangle Spread,Fortune Teller,Zodiac
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