Your Cross and Triangle Spread

Cross and Triangle Spread

Cross and Triangle Spread

The Cartomancy Cross and Triangle Spread is a type of tarot spread that is commonly used in cartomancy readings. This spread is particularly useful for gaining insights into an individual’s current situation and the various influences that may be affecting their life. The spread consists of ten cards arranged in the shape of a cross. Additionally, there is a triangle of three cards placed to the side. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that each position in the spread represents a different aspect of the querent’s life, including their past, present, future, hopes, fears, and potential outcomes. Furthermore, the cards are interpreted based on their position and the overall layout of the spread, which provides a detailed analysis of the querent’s situation and potential paths forward. Moreover, the Cartomancy Cross and Triangle Spread is a popular and versatile spread that many cartomancy readers use to gain deep insights and guidance for personal growth and self-reflection.

J diamonds spread
10 club spread
2 hearts spread
8 hearts spread
2 club spread
6 spade spread
8 club Spread
6 club spread
6 hearts spread
J diamonds spread
10 club spread
2 hearts spread
8 hearts spread
2 club spread
6 spade spread
8 club Spread
6 club spread
6 hearts spread

Card Reading

You the Significator and Your Life Force
6 spade spread

Six of Spades:

If you draw the Six of Spades, be warned that you may make a serious mistake which will cause you trouble. Although this period of time may seem long, it will most likely be short.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts
J diamonds spread

Jack of Diamonds:

The Knight (Jack) of Diamonds represents hope or hopeful anticipation, indicating a positive outlook. Especially meaningful is the experience when the card is close to a royal card.

That Which Influences Your Emotions
6 club spread

Six of Clubs:

In the near future, financial aid may become available to you. One should not be too proud to accept it.

That Which Influences Your Spirit
2 hearts spread

Two of Hearts:

This partnership is warm and strong. Furthermore, this card is a very favorable indication of strength and support that will come from a partner in your professional or personal life.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self
10 club spread

Ten of Clubs:

Achieving business success requires careful planning and execution. Wishing you good luck with your finances. Taking a trip now could potentially lead to meeting a new friend or even a romantic partner.

Forces that Oppose You
2 club spread

Two of Clubs:

Although there are obstacles in the pathway of your success, you can still achieve your goals. One example of harmful behavior is malicious gossip.

Other Forces that Oppose You
6 hearts spread

Six of Hearts:

During this time, you will experience a very pleasant period filled with enjoyable outings such as short trips, parties, dates, and spending time with friends.

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront
8 club Spread

Eight of Clubs:

Furthermore, the Eight of Clubs symbolizes either employment or a task that requires completion.

The Outcome
8 hearts spread

Eight of Hearts:

Furthermore, you should anticipate either an unexpected gift or visitor. If you don’t, you will not receive an invitation to a gathering.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.

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Cross and Triangle Spread,Fortune Teller,Zodiac
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