Aquarius - July 28, 2024
Love Horoscopes for Aquarius
You sometimes have a problem on days like today. You’re aware that something is weighing hard on your thoughts and in your heart, but you’d rather not show it. In fact, you detest the very idea of having a problem. Your discomfort will only increase as a result of your too optimistic attitude. Take the risk and spit it out. Doing so will make you feel lot better.
Weekly Aquarius Money [ Jul 22 - 28, 2024 ]
Aquarius Health
Take a hot, steamy bath in the privacy of your own home tonight with your bottle of herbal lavender essence. You will undoubtedly experience some sort of overload in terms of your emotional inner core given the current alignment of the celestial bodies. Use the therapeutic qualities of lavender to nourish this invisible aspect of oneself. After such a therapy, if you get to bed on time, you’ll probably have a wonderfully restful sleep.
Aquarius Career
The day is becoming warmer, and so are other people’s tempers at work. Someone who was friendly yesterday can become hostile today. As you go about your regular routine, be cautious and try not to offend anyone.
Today's Matches


