Capricorn - August 17, 2024
Today, Capricorn, you might feel cornered into doing something you don’t want to do. Perhaps you made a promise to handle a project. It could be that someone decides to call in an I.O.U. Regardless, please let me know if you are not comfortable following through. With the current energy, you will find it easier to express yourself and be understood. If needed, rescheduling may be far better than potential resentment.
Love Horoscopes for Capricorn
While you have many choices today, the celestial configuration highlights the importance of one particular decision. When considering it, think about whether you can bridge the gap and move toward someone you have become a little estranged from. Though frightened by thoughts of the outcome, seizing the moment and just saying it would be better. Despite the challenges, all will be well.
Weekly Capricorn Money [ Aug 12 - 18, 2024 ]
You need to feel secure in all aspects of life, and that usually requires cash. Therefore, your relationships become extra important when it comes to making more money. If you need a new job or recommendation, you should ask the most powerful person you know. This aspect is favorable for things working out, thus allowing you to build the security you crave.
Capricorn Health
Today’s aspect creates more spark than you probably know what to do with. You already have significant sexual energy, and this adds even more! If communication with someone else fails, taking matters into your own hands is justified. Releasing sexual energy is vital to an adult’s health. Moreover, there are numerous ways to experience sensuality beyond engaging in sexual activities. To open up to your libido, surrender all your previously held notions.
Capricorn Career
Now is the perfect time to commence the subsequent phase of a recently set plan. Initially, you were in the pioneering stage, and now you have transitioned into the research stage. Over the next four weeks, focus on collecting data rather than acting recklessly.
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