Capricorn - July 11, 2024
Today, Capricorn, you have the sensitivity to perceive what is happening in every situation. You’re likely to encounter intense emotions in conflict with extremely strong opinions. The battle between the mind and the heart has begun. On this day, you may be more inclined to follow your emotions. Realize that this arena is extremely tense and that the forces at play are incredibly tenacious.
Love Horoscopes for Capricorn
You cannot possibly be subtle about the issue at hand, particularly considering the current context. You may have tried to explain a certain issue to a loved one as delicately as possible, only to realize that unless you spell it out in twenty-foot-high letters, they will not understand. Be daring.
Weekly Capricorn Money [ Jul Jul 8 - 14, 2024 ]
Capricorn Health
Today, resist the temptation to go overboard. This month, you are practicing maintaining healthy boundaries. Observe the midnight hour and adhere to a regular, wholesome diet in order to maintain your health. Try to guard your slumber as if it were the fountain of youth; they may as well be identical. Your slumber affects your disposition, and as they say, disposition is everything. (A excellent attitude is also water, fresh fruit, and whole grain toast for breakfast!)
Capricorn Career
Don’t be hesitant to make an executive decision today, even if you’re not technically able to. Your leadership skills are at peak performance, so you may as well flaunt them and demonstrate that you can run the show.
Today's Matches


