Capricorn - September 21, 2024
Love Horoscopes for Capricorn
Despite war, death, or famine, you are the mistress of the fixed smile that remains perfectly in place. On this particular day, it is possible that your loved one might alter the situation in a way that affects the outcome. Once they have delivered some “interesting” news, we might see visible signs of life. Consequently, your lips may wobble and curve into what could actually be a real smile. Hip hip hooray!
Weekly Capricorn Money [ Sep 16 - 22, 2024 ]
Capricorn Health
Although you appear to take it slow and steady, there are times when a passionate streak flares up and surprises those around you. Although you experience frequent, sudden bursts of energy or changes of heart, you rarely show them to the outside world. Moreover, your skin could epitomize this tendency. One minute everything is fine; however, the next minute, a rash has broken out or a pimple appears overnight! These fluctuations, however, are caused by an inner intensity that, therefore, is best managed by drinking copious amounts of water. Therefore, do not hesitate to check into a water service at this time.
Capricorn Career
You are feeling recharged, as though you have been reborn. Moreover, your mindset tells you to be brave and fearless. With an innocence about you, it seems as if you are seeing the world for the first time. Furthermore, enjoy this wonderful state of mind.
Today's Matches


