Capricorn - September 24, 2024
Love Horoscopes for Capricorn
With the energy of the day, you have plenty of opportunity to talk to the one you have been in “lerv” with for so long. However, today, talking is about as far as it gets. Unfortunately, there was not even a small kiss on the cheek. Therefore, you will need to be exceptionally imaginative with your choice of words, and effectively convey the desired emotions through them.
Weekly Capricorn Money [ Sep 23 - 29, 2024 ]
Capricorn Health
On one hand, you can be quite withdrawn at times; on the other hand, you have a dual nature that sometimes throws people off. Sometimes, it can even throw you off! Although you have such basic needs, you still feel inexplicably lonely at times. In order to tune into those needs that aren’t so grounded, it is recommended to try engaging in some kind of water therapy. Firstly, begin by transforming your bathtub into a sacred space. In addition, this entails having special soaps, along with nice towels, fun bath toys, and some good reading material. In addition, swimming, steam bath, and sauna are also beneficial practices.
Capricorn Career
People will be very reluctant to give you information, however, it is important to understand their perspective. Not only are they keeping their secrets close to them, but also they are not willing to share them. As you try to prod and poke, they will clam up even more. In addition, it is important to be secretive with your ideas. Firstly, it is important to not give your information away.
Today's Matches


