Sagittarius - August 16, 2024
Love Horoscopes for Sagittarius
Weekly Sagittarius Money [ Aug 12 - 18, 2024 ]
Sagittarius Health
During this planetary aspect, it might be best to slow down and review your own behavior. While other people may have hurt you in the recent past, you can only account for your own reaction. If you sense some unresolved matters, it is important to communicate your position in such a way that the other person can remain open. If you are still feeling resentful, you can process that kind of emotion in a productive way. For example, you can engage in exercise. In order to effectively communicate with others, it is important that you carefully choose your words.
Sagittarius Career
Although tension may exist in the workplace between you and another person, it is highly unlikely that this is due to a disagreement. This tension arises simply because you don’t fully understand each other. Although you may not realize it, your ideas are actually more similar than you think.
Today's Matches


