Taurus - June 22, 2024
Today, Taurus, you’ll discover that your sensitivity is widely valued and that a powerful grounding force will help you balance your strong emotions. Avoid being too obstinate, particularly when it comes to matters of beauty and love. A stuck mindset is likely to encounter a lot of resistance. You’ll have a hard time communicating your message if a certain someone becomes tense.
Love Horoscopes for Taurus
Humor may work wonders for your love life, but sarcasm is not what it needs. The astral energies right now can cause the line between you two to become very thin, which might not be good for the way things are right now in your relationship. It is preferable to communicate your hurt immediately rather than causing more issues if you are wounded in any manner.
Weekly Taurus Money [ Jun 17 - 23, 2024 ]
Taurus Health
Today’s energy is all about recognizing what kind of structure you need in your life and following it as authentically and uniquely as you can. For instance, it is imperative that you learn to love Tofutti or any other less problematic alternative if you love ice cream but despise what it does to your body. Your cholesterol level, for instance, will take the initiative if you don’t!
Taurus Career
Today, you are content to let others do the task, and this is OK. As much as you can, assign work to others. Right now, leading the band is a better option for you than playing in it. Instead of being caught doing all the dirty job, take the initiative.
Today's Matches